Valent USA Diperl Pro DF Biological insecticide BT 54%, 1lb Bag Review

Valent USA Diperl Pro DF Biological insecticide BT 54%, 1lb Bag

DiPel is the leading biological insecticide on the market today. Registered for use on a variety of ornamentals, DiPel PRO DF delivers outstanding control of more than 30 species of insects, including tent caterpillar and various bagworms, looper, tobacco budworms and armyworms. Its dry flowable formulation is dust free and easy to measure and mix. DiPel PRO DF is biodegradable and has minimal effect on humans, non-target animals or the environment. DiPel DF is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production. omri logo Download Label/MSDS for DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide BELOW MSDS, BIO-0022rev3 DiPel PRO DF – Key use/pests Product Used On ornamentals landscape Pests loopers budworms bagworms armyworms tent caterpillars azalea caterpillar bagworm blackheaded budworm california oakworm diamondback moth douglas fir tussock moth ello moth elm spanworm fall webworm fruittree leafroller greenstriped maple worm gypsy moth hemlock looper jack pine budworm lo moth looper mimosa webworm oleander moth omnivorous leafroller omnivorous looper pine butterfly redhumped caterpillar saddle prominent caterpillar saddleback caterpillar saltmarsh caterpillar sod webworm spring & fall cankerworm spruce budroom tent caterpillar tobacco budworm western tussock moth